Kassidy + Brett's Burkesville Wedding

From the Bride: It was so important for this day to be personal and reflect the ones who helped us get to where we were up until our wedding day. With this being said, we wanted to find a way to recognize those who were in attendance and those who are no longer with us or able to attend. On the wall behind our sweetheart table, we framed and hung pictures of our parents, grandparents, and great grandparents on their wedding days. Without their special days we would have never gotten ours. Ironically, the day before our rehearsal dinner the i found a Bible that my grandma had dedicated to me. Throughout the pages I found notes, drawings, and newspaper clippings from all my milestones that my grandma had saved. Without a doubt this Bible had to be used in the ceremony, so I decided to use this for the ring bearers to carry down the aisle. Our preacher had us fill our questionnaires about each other and we read the answers aloud during our ceremony. This was not only hilarious, but all very intentional and heartfelt.

A smell I will always remember from our wedding day would have to be the smell of coffee that filled the car as my best friends and I drove to my wedding venue the morning of. While the bridesmaids were getting their hair and makeup done, I walked out of the venue to get some fresh air. The sound of the wind gently shaking the trees and the birds chirping filled me with such a peaceful feeling. This moment created such a sense of gratefulness for this sweet day and the people who were so graciously supporting and celebrating us. The cotton candy bombs that fizzed into our champagne classes as my bridesmaids and I were getting our hair and makeup done was a taste I will always remember.

Brett says getting to see Dolly, their goldendoodle, and spend time with her was a favorite time of the day; but, his most memorable sight was when he turned around and saw his wife during our first look. He also remembers the sweet smell of the perfume that his wife picked out specifically for their wedding day.

Waiting for the chapel door to swing open provided time for sweet hugs from my parents right before walking down the aisle. It will be a feeling I will never forget. When those doors opened and I met the eyes of my sweet husband along with all of our closest friends and family, that will always be one of my most memorable sights. I will also always remember how clear and blue the sky was which gave such a feeling of peace and thankfulness. Our first act as a married couple, we decided to participate in communion. Not only was this our first action as a married couple, but we chose to invite our friends and family to participate as well making this our unity ceremony. It was important that our unity ceremony not only united us but merge our families as well. We also had a live painter who painted us joining in marriage. This painting will be something we cherish for the rest of our lives and pass down to our children someday. Brett remembers the touch of holding Kassidy’s hands at the altar and his favorite sound all day was hearing Kassidy say her vows and I DO!”

The reception was in a barn setting, we chose to have a biscuit bar. Brett’s favorite taste of the day though had to be the wedding cake that Kassidy shoved into his mouth. To support our local vendors, we bought jellies and jams from Haney’s Appledale farm, a local apple orchard. A different aspect of our day was our exit. We chose to be fully surrounded by our guests and light wish lanterns and watch them disappear into the night sky.

Photography: Alex Antle | Videography: 35 Visual | Location: Burkesville | Venue: Bodock Farms | Florals: Village Florist | Caterer: Jeff Sams | Cake: Tobie Overstreet Harmon | Music: Mike Scales | Hair + Makeup: 323 Hair Society | Bride’s Attire: Twirl Boutique | Groom’s Attire: Chantilly Bridal

Katelyn Daugherty